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Date: Fri 9 Nov 2001
Subject: Support Israel's fight for survival against PLO terrorism! (VIPAC)

Dear Mr. President:

I support our country's efforts to eradicate terrorism but question the
administrations criticism of Israel for doing the same thing. The bombing of
discotheques and pizzerias and the unprovoked shootings of civilians
specifically targeting women and babies on the roads and plazas of Israel
cannot be tolerated. Our country must support the efforts of all countries
to stop terror not only our own efforts.

Arafat and his Palestinian entity do not seek peace but the eradication of
the State of Israel. The Palestinian radio and news media broadcasts racist
propaganda and hatred. Their schools teach the same hatred and their summer
camps teach the same genocidal goal. There is essentially no mention of or
aspiration for peaceful coexistence.

Clearly Arafat plans to take whatever territory he can get by diplomacy and
then use it as a more advantageous position from which to continue his war
for Israel’s destruction. One need not be blinded or fooled by Arafat's
letters and agreements that disavow terrorism. Since Arafat's value system
condones the murder of innocents he feels no compunction about lying and
ignoring his obligations under signed agreements.

All the while there already exists a Palestinian State on 80% of Palestine
of the original League of Nations Palestine Mandate. This state is called
Jordan. It has a Palestinian Queen and the majority of its population is
Palestinian. A SECOND Palestinian State will endanger the ONLY Jewish State
in the world and provide another sanctuary for the Islamic terrorism which
we are currently sacrificing so much blood and treasure to defeat in

I urge you to support Israel in its efforts to protect its citizens and
stop the State Department's pronouncements that criticize Israel's justified
acts of self defense in Judea Samaria and Gaza. Please stop your
administration's continued financial and diplomatic support for a PLO State
which will only further endanger the security of Israel and America. If you
must have a "vision" of a Palestinian State please see it where it already
exists--in Jordan.

Respectfully yours

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