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Date: Fri 7 Dec 2001
Subject: Support Israel! Arafat's truce with Hamas means war against freedom! (VIPAC)

Dear Mr. President:

You rightly condemned Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat's unwillingness to
move forcefully against terror emanating from his regime. It seems though
that he has not yet gotten the message.

An article on Page A16 of the Dec. 7 edition of the New York Times bears the
headline "Fatah and Hamas in Truce After Clashes Kill Militant." Fatah is
Arafat's faction of the PLO. It has not even been a week since Hamas took
"credit" for murdering 26 Israeli civilians mostly children. Now Arafat
has publicly made his peace with these killers.

Arafat thus mocks your administration which just last month voiced support
for the establishment of a Palestinian State. He mocks the Nobel Committee
which awarded him a Nobel Peace Prize in 1994 on the basis of his claim to
be a peacemaker. Most of all however his thumbs-up to Hamas mocks all
sense of justice.

He insults our intelligence when he demands an end to Israeli "occupation"
while refusing to create the circumstances under which Israel can safely
withdraw its troops. Picture Mullah Mohammed Omar demanding an end to US
occupation of Afghanistan.

People who make peace deals with terrorists in their midst have no business
running a country. Please place the Palestinian Authority on your list of
regimes which sponsor terrorism and end your administration's 100 million
dollar annual subsidy for Arafat's terrorist regime. Instead please
support Israel's Biblical and historical right for sovereignty in Jerusalem
Judea Samaria and the Golan Heights.


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