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Date: Sun 24 Feb 2002
Subject: Support Israel! Stop US funding of PLO terrorists! (VIPAC)

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Dear Mr. President:

In light of the PLO's latest terrorist attacks on non-combatants of all ages
in Israel and the Karine-A shipment of arms that Arafat tried to deny the
policy you pioneered of not inviting Arafat to the White House is confirmed.
Now it needs to be strengthened.

I urge you to discontinue all funding to the Palestinian Authority and to
add to the list of Foreign Terrorist Organizations [1] Al Aqsa Martyrs
Brigade [2] Tanzim and
[3] Force 17. Since the UN is reportedly debating a measure to pressure
Israel to accept international "observers" --historically biased against
Israel -- I urge you to veto such a measure and to reiterate your support
for Israel'sright to defend its citizens. Terrorists are terrorists wherever
they are.


The President's email:
The Vice President's email:
White House phone: 202-456-1414 Fax: 202-456-2461
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Dear Mr. President:

In light of the PLO's latest terrorist attacks on non-combatants of all ages in Israel and the Karine-A shipment of arms that Arafat tried to deny the policy you pioneered  of not inviting Arafat to the White House is confirmed. Now it needs to be strengthened.

I urge you to discontinue all funding to the Palestinian Authority and to add to the list of Foreign Terrorist Organizations [1] Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigade [2] Tanzim and

[3] Force 17. Since the UN is reportedly debating a measure to pressure Israel to accept international "observers" --historically biased against Israel -- I urge you to veto such a measure and to reiterate your support for Israel'sright to defend its citizens. Terrorists are terrorists wherever they are.



The President's email:

The Vice President's email:

White House phone: 202-456-1414  Fax: 202-456-2461

Click on "Govt. Email Addresses" at for other officials.

TO UNSUBSCRIBE:  Send an email to  with "unsubscribe vipac-letters" in the body of the message.






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