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Date: Sun 10 Mar 2002
Subject: Support Israel! Don't betray soldiers fighting Islamic terror! (VIPAC)

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Dear Mr. President:

I strongly disagree with your administration's recent criticism of Israel's
exercising its right of self defense in its fight for survival against
Arafat's terrorist war. Your administration should be encouraging Israel's
destruction of the terrorists and their infrastructure that have flourished
in the territory controlled by Arafat's PLO. That would make the world a
safer place not only for Israel but for America as well.

The increasing number of American citizens killed and crippled by Arafat's
campaign of terror should make that painfully clear. The recent reports in
the Times of London and other papers of Al Qaeda terrorists now finding new
safe havens in Arafat-controlled territory should make that clearer still.
The only thing that is not clear is how you became an advocate of pacifism
while at the same time bombing hundreds of Al Qaeda to smithereens and
announcing plans for use of nuclear weapons against seven enemy nations?

In the New York Times of Friday March 8 on page A8 you are quoted as
saying the following as part of your administration's criticism of Israel
defending itself: "You can't achieve peace by allowing violence to escalate
or causing violence to escalate." How can you utter such pacifist pabulum
while dropping "Daisy Cutter" bombs in eastern Afghanistan and sending
thousands of American soldiers to the front lines there in the most intense
fire-fight of your entire "Enduring Freedom" campaign?

America's enemies are using those same words of deceptive pacifism to rob the
US of its right to fight in self defense in Afghanistan. Please Mr.
President stop undermining the Israeli troops and the American troops who
are in the field fighting to defeat the Islamic terrorism that threatens
freedom loving people everywhere. Abandon your newly adopted dangerous
rhetoric of pacifism and return to your words of September 20 when you
pledged before a joint session of Congress: ""We will direct every resource
at our command -- every means of diplomacy every tool of intelligence every
instrument of law enforcement every financial influence and EVERY NECESSARY
WEAPON OF WAR -- to the disruption and to the defeat of the global terror
network. "


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White House phone: 202-456-1414 Fax: 202-456-2461
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Dear Mr. President:

I strongly disagree with your administration's recent criticism of Israel's exercising its right of self defense in its fight for survival against Arafat's terrorist war.  Your administration should be encouraging Israel's destruction of the terrorists and their infrastructure that have flourished in the territory controlled by Arafat's PLO.  That would make the world a safer place not only for Israel but for America as well.  

The increasing number of American citizens killed and crippled by Arafat's campaign of terror should make that painfully clear.  The recent reports in the Times of London and other papers of Al Qaeda terrorists now finding new safe havens in Arafat-controlled territory should make that clearer still.  The only thing that is not clear is how you became an advocate of pacifism while at the same time bombing hundreds of Al Qaeda to smithereens and announcing plans for use of nuclear weapons against seven enemy nations?

In the New York Times of Friday March 8 on page A8 you are quoted as saying the following as part of your administration's criticism of Israel defending itself:  "You can't achieve peace by allowing violence to escalate or causing violence to escalate."  How can you utter such pacifist pabulum while dropping "Daisy Cutter" bombs in eastern Afghanistan and sending thousands of American soldiers to the front lines there in the most intense fire-fight of your entire "Enduring Freedom" campaign?  

America's enemies are using those same words of deceptive pacifism to rob the US of its right to fight in self defense in Afghanistan.  Please Mr. President stop undermining the Israeli troops and the American troops who are in the field fighting to defeat the Islamic terrorism that threatens freedom loving people everywhere.  Abandon your newly adopted dangerous rhetoric of pacifism and return to your words of September 20 when you pledged before a joint session of Congress:  "
"We will direct every resource at our command -- every means of diplomacy every tool of intelligence every instrument of law enforcement every financial influence and EVERY NECESSARY WEAPON OF WAR -- to the disruption and to the defeat of the global terror network. "



The President's email:

The Vice President's email:

White House phone: 202-456-1414  Fax: 202-456-2461

Click on "Govt. Email Addresses" at for other officials.

TO UNSUBSCRIBE:  Send an email to  with "unsubscribe vipac-letters" in the body of the message.






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