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Date: Sun 24 Mar 2002
Subject: Support Israel! Stop US subsidy of Arafat's Islamic terror! (VIPAC)

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Dear Mr. President:

I applaud your recent decision to place the Al-Aqsa Brigades on America's
priority list of terrorist organizations. Now I respectfully request that
you comply with the law that requires halting the flow of funds to the
organizations on that list. Your administration is currently in violation of
that law since you send $100 annually to Arafat's Palestinian Authority
which pays the salaries of the terrorists of the Al-Aqsa Brigade.

The Al-Aqsa Brigades--now officially and legally certified as terrorists by
your own administration--have a link to Arafat's Fatah and PA that is neither
obscure nor insubstantial. I direct your attention to Matthew Kalman of USA
Today (March 14) where he reported that most members of the Al-Aqsa Brigade
receive salaries from Arafat's Palestinian Authority. And USA Today quoted
Maslama Thabet a leader of the Al-Aqsa Brigade who said: "The truth is we
are Fatah itself... Our commander is Yasser Arafat himself." Furthermore
Hussein A-Sheikh a Fatah leader in the West Bank seemed insulted when USA
Today asked whether the Al-Aqsa Brigade is under Arafat's control. "Of
course there is control. What do you think? That we are just a bunch of

Mr. President it is clear that the $100 million that your administration
gives each year to Arafat is subsidizing terror and is violating the laws
that have been enacted to protect America from terrorism. Please stop your
fiscal and political support for Arafat's brand of Islamic terror. You not
only violate the laws of our great land by doing so but you provide
encouragement to those who danced in the streets in celebration of the pain
America suffered on 9/11 and allow them to believe that your war on Islamic
terror has turned into appeasement of Islamic terror.


The President's email:
The Vice President's email:
White House phone: 202-456-1414 Fax: 202-456-2461
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Dear Mr. President:

I applaud your recent decision to place the Al-Aqsa Brigades on America's priority list of terrorist organizations.  Now I respectfully request that you comply with the law that requires halting the flow of funds to the organizations on that list.  Your administration is currently in violation of that law since you send $100 annually to Arafat's Palestinian Authority which pays the salaries of the terrorists of the Al-Aqsa Brigade.

The Al-Aqsa Brigades--now officially and legally certified as terrorists by your own administration--have a link to Arafat's Fatah and PA that is neither obscure nor insubstantial.  I direct your attention to Matthew Kalman of USA Today (March 14) where he reported that most members of the Al-Aqsa Brigade receive salaries from Arafat's Palestinian Authority. And USA Today quoted Maslama Thabet a leader of the Al-Aqsa Brigade who said: "The truth is we are Fatah itself... Our commander is Yasser Arafat himself."  Furthermore Hussein A-Sheikh a Fatah leader in the West Bank seemed insulted when USA Today asked whether the Al-Aqsa Brigade is under Arafat's control. "Of course there is control. What do you think? That we are just a bunch of gangs?"

Mr. President it is clear that the $100 million that your administration gives each year to Arafat is subsidizing terror and is violating the laws that have been enacted to protect America from terrorism.  Please stop your fiscal and political support for Arafat's brand of Islamic terror.  You not only violate the laws of our great land by doing so but you provide encouragement to those who danced in the streets in celebration of the pain America suffered on 9/11 and allow them to believe that your war on Islamic terror has turned into appeasement of Islamic terror.



The President's email:

The Vice President's email:

White House phone: 202-456-1414  Fax: 202-456-2461

Click on "Govt. Email Addresses" at for other officials.

TO UNSUBSCRIBE:  Send an email to  with "unsubscribe vipac-letters" in the body of the message.






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