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Date: Fri 21 Jan 2000
Subject: Support Israel not Arafat's war effort (VIPAC)


Dear Mr. President:

Just recently you again hosted Yassir Arafat Chairman of the PLO as your
guest in the White House. None of us outside of your inner circle knows
exactly what you said to him. However I am concerned that you were not
sufficiently forceful in demanding that Arafat dismantle the anti-Israel war
machine that he is building in the territories he controls.

Arafat has raised a large army the size of which far exceeds his peace
accord commitments. The enormous quantity and increasingly deadly quality of
the weapons he has accumulated also exceed all the limits that he had
promised. The terrorist infrastructure under his control has not been
dismantled. There has been no hand over of the PLO's illegal weapons nor
has there been extradition to the US or to Israel of PLO murderers of Jewish
Americans and Jewish Israelis. All of this is in flagrant violations of the
letter and spirit of Arafat's signed international agreements.

You and your administration have never vigorously criticized Arafat in public
for his many egregious peace accord violations even though they clearly
establish a pattern of the PLO assembling a war machine for a coming attack
against Israel. I am concerned that in your recent private meetings with
Arafat you have done the same.

Please stop your acquiescence to Arafat's war preparations that violate all
of his peace accord commitments. Please cease your administration's ongoing
approval of the flow of hundreds of millions of US taxpayers' money to the
PLO. Instead please support Israel's right to secure borders in its
historical and Biblical homeland in Judea Samaria Gaza and the Golan


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