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Date: Fri 29 Sep 2000
Subject: The fate of Jerusalem is in your hands! (VIPAC)


Shalom fellow VIPAC member!

Let me take this opportunity to join Moish in wishing you and your loved ones
a sweet happy healthy prosperous and peaceful new year.

Rosh Hashanah is a time for "cheshbon hanefesh" an inventory--or rather a
strict audit--of our soul's accounts of good and bad deeds. As a group all
of us at VIPAC have much to be proud of when we review this year. This is
particularly evident in our rapid growth in membership which includes
Americans of many races and religions as well as people from all over the
globe including Israel South America Australia Ireland and England.

As our numbers grow we are forming an increasingly powerful voice supporting
Israel that politicians will have an increasingly difficult time to ignore.
But we have to focus on two goals to achieve with G-d's help stronger
American support for Israel's sovereignty in the Holy Land. First we must
increase our numbers even more. Second we must be sure that each one of us
takes the time and effort to send--each and every week--our pro-Israel
messages to the White House.

These two goals depend on our own individual efforts. Regarding our own
participation that is self evident. But it is equally true regarding the
growth of our membership. If each of us could get ten of our friends and
acquaintances to join our VIPAC campaign the resulting flood of thousands of
weekly e-mails to the White House supporting Israel would inundate the
politicians there no matter what party they hail from.

So my Rosh Hashanah wish for all of us is that we all realize that the fate
of Israel and Jerusalem is very much in our own hands. Each week pause to
ask ourselves did we remember to send our pro-Israel message to Washington?
Every few days we should also ask ourselves is there someone I know or have
met that might be interested in VIPAC and do I have the determination to ask

If we make our voices heard on behalf of Israel ever more frequently and
ever more loudly in our halls of government as well as in our houses of
worship we cannot help but make our cruel planet become a safer place for
Israel and a more sacred place for all mankind.

May we all be inscribed in the book of for this coming year.

Best wishes Martin Elsant

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